What are pellets?
Pellets are compounded estradiol or testosterone that are made from organic plant materials, which have the exact molecular structure of those hormones found in the body. They are pressed into a solid compound that is about the size of a cooked grain of rice. Using a painless office procedure, they are inserted under the skin in the hip area. The pellets release small amounts of hormone directly into the bloodstream similar to that which the ovaries and testes produced during our younger adult years.
Bio Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy using a pellet can be a treatment option that relieves these and other symptoms:
• Increased fatigue, lethargy, and loss of interest in daily activities.
• Issues with mental operations, such as memory and focused thought.
• Loss in sex drive, desire, and sensation during intercourse.
• A variety of moods, including swings that can lead to anxiety or depression.
Book your consultation today and start feeling better!